Garden of Echoing Dreams - Where Blossoms Resound in the Silence of the Night - Poem Lyrics in English


Garden of Echoing Dreams - Where Blossoms Resound in the Silence of the Night - Poem Lyrics in English

In the garden of echoing dreams, where moonlight gleams,

Blossoms resound in the silence of the night, it seems.

Petals like whispers, soft and light,

A symphony of flowers in the tranquil night.

Under the celestial canopy, where stars align,

The garden of dreams, a sanctuary divine.

Echoes of petals, a nocturnal ballet,

In the hush of night, where dreams hold sway.

Lavender's sigh, a fragrant embrace,

In the garden of dreams, a tranquil space.

Jasmine whispers secrets to the midnight air,

As blossoms resound in the garden's care.

Lilies stand tall in the silvered glow,

Their fragrance dances in the night's soft flow.

Roses in bloom, a symphony complete,

In the echoing garden where dreams and blossoms meet.

Silhouettes of flowers, shadows on the ground,

In the garden of dreams, where peace is found.

Whispers of petals, a lullaby so sweet,

As the blossoms resound in the garden's heartbeat.

So, wander through the blooms in the pale moonlight,

In the garden of echoing dreams, a magical sight.

Blossoms resound, their echoes entwine,

In the silence of the night, where dreams align.

Garden of Echoing Dreams - Where Blossoms Resound in the Silence of the Night - Poem Lyrics in English

In the garden of echoing dreams, where moonbeams softly gleam,

Blossoms whisper secrets in the stillness of the night's dream.

Their petals dance in the gentle breeze, a silent symphony,

Resounding in the quietude, where shadows freely flee.

Amidst the fragrance of jasmine and rose, fantasies take flight,

As the garden becomes a canvas for the dreams of the night.

Each bloom holds a story, in its delicate embrace,

A tale of love and longing, woven with grace.

Oh, garden of echoing dreams, your beauty knows no bounds,

In your tranquil embrace, serenity is found.

In the hush of midnight, where stars softly gleam,

Your blossoms sing of magic, in the realm of the unseen.

So let us wander through your paths, beneath the silver light,

And lose ourselves in the enchantment of the silent night.

For in the garden of echoing dreams, we find a sanctuary,

Where our hopes and aspirations bloom in silent reverie.

In the garden of echoing dreams, where blooms abound,

Blossoms resound in the silence profound,

Their petals whisper secrets to the night,

In the soft embrace of lunar light.

Each flower sings a melody unique,

In the stillness of the night, it seeks,

To weave a tapestry of dreams untold,

In the garden's embrace, where wonders unfold.

Amidst the fragrance that fills the air,

Echoes of dreams, both rare and fair,

Dance on the breeze with effortless grace,

In the garden's sanctuary, a sacred space.

Through moonlit pathways, shadows glide,

In the garden of dreams, they confide,

Their hopes and fears, their joys and sorrows,

In the tranquil haven of tomorrow's morrow.

So let us wander in this garden divine,

Where echoes of dreams forever intertwine,

For in its blossoms, secrets are revealed,

In the garden of echoing dreams, dreams are sealed.

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